This commercial site is a portion of Goshen Village East development. Located in the Opportunity Zone, Goshen Village East includes 89 single family residential lots and approx. 100-140 multi-family units. There is approx. 4.35 acres of commercial land available located along W. Riggin Ave. Ideal location for a gas station, convenience store, related retail services (ie. restaurants, barber shop, phone stores, etc.). Goshen is currently under-served for grocery and fresh produce. Most resident must travel to Visalia to shop. Site is subject to developing a grocery store of no less than 10,000sf as part of any initial project.  Call for pricing

  • Great location
  • High traffic corridor
  • Great access
  • Potential QSR and fuel station location.


SW Corner of W. Riggin Ave. and Rd. 76
Visalia, CA 93291

Acres: 4.35
Type: LAND
Marty Zeeb, SIOR
Broker Associate